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This function processes DHS (Demographic and Health Survey) data by: 1. Reading RDS files and shapefiles for each country. 2. Merging demographic data with geographic information. 3. Cleaning and aggregating the data. 4. Extracting gamma parameters for age-related analysis.


  rds_dir = here::here("01_data", "1a_survey_data", "raw", "pr_records"),
  shp_dir = here::here("01_data", "1a_survey_data", "raw", "shapefiles"),
  output_path = here::here("01_data", "1a_survey_data", "processed",



Character. Path to the directory containing raw RDS files.


Character. Path to the directory containing shapefiles.


Character. Path to save the final processed dataset as an RDS file.


None. Saves the final combined dataset to the specified output path.


The function loops through RDS files, processes each country's data by merging demographic information with shapefile data, and computes gamma parameters for age-related analysis. The progress is tracked and displayed for each country.

The function also filters out incomplete data (e.g., age values of `98`) and handles labelled data using the `haven::zap_labels` function.

The final output includes two datasets: 1. Outlier-free data. 2. Aggregated age parameter data.


# \donttest{
tf <- file.path(tempdir(), "test_env")
dir.create(tf, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
tmp_rds_dir <- file.path(tf, "rds")
tmp_shp_dir <- file.path(tf, "shp")
tmp_output <- file.path(tf, "output.rds")

dir.create(tmp_rds_dir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(tmp_shp_dir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

# Create fake DHS data
create_fake_dhs_data <- function(country_code) {
  set.seed(123) # For reproducibility
  n <- 100

  # Create labelled vectors
  hv007 <- haven::labelled(
    sample(c(2015, 2016), n, replace = TRUE),
    labels = c("2015" = 2015, "2016" = 2016)

  hv001 <- haven::labelled(
    sample(1:20, n, replace = TRUE),
    labels = setNames(1:20, paste("Cluster", 1:20))

  hv105 <- haven::labelled(
    sample(c(1:97, 98), n, replace = TRUE),
    labels = c(setNames(1:97, paste("Age", 1:97)), "Don't know" = 98)

  # Combine into data frame
    hv007 = hv007,
    hv001 = hv001,
    hv105 = hv105

# Create fake shapefile data
# Create fake shapefile data with explicit CRS
create_fake_shapefile <- function(country_code) {
  n_clusters <- 20

  # Create spatial data frame with explicit CRS
  sf_data <- sf::st_as_sf(
      DHSCLUST = 1:n_clusters,
      URBAN_RURA = sample(c("R", "U"), n_clusters, replace = TRUE),
      LATNUM = runif(n_clusters, -10, 10),
    LONGNUM = runif(n_clusters, -10, 10)
    coords = c("LONGNUM", "LATNUM"),
    crs = 4326 # WGS84
  ) |>
      LATNUM = runif(n_clusters, -10, 10),
      LONGNUM = runif(n_clusters, -10, 10)

# Save test data for two countries
countries <- c("KE", "TZ")
for (country in countries) {
    file = file.path(tmp_rds_dir, paste0(country, "HR71FL.rds"))
    file = file.path(tmp_shp_dir, paste0(country, "HR7SHP.rds"))

# Run the function
  rds_dir = tmp_rds_dir,
  shp_dir = tmp_shp_dir,
  output_path = tmp_output
#> ── Processing DHS data and joining with shapefile ──────────────────────────────
#>  Processing country: KE
#>  Processed country: KE (1 of 2)
#>  Processing country: TZ
#>  Processed country: TZ (2 of 2)
#> ── Process gamma parameters ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  Aggregating and extracting gamma for: KEN
#>  Aggregated and extracted gamma for: KEN (1 of 2)
#>  Aggregating and extracting gamma for: TZA
#>  Aggregated and extracted gamma for: TZA (2 of 2)
#>  All countries processed. Combined data saved to /tmp/RtmpioKZmp/test_env/output.rds
# }