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This function creates a standardized folder structure for organizing data, scripts, and outputs within a project directory. It ensures consistency and reproducibility for data-related workflows.


create_project_structure(base_path = here::here())



A character string specifying the root directory where the folder structure will be created. Defaults to `here::here()` to use the current project directory.


Creates directories under the specified `base_path`. Returns invisible `NULL` and prints messages about folder creation status.


The function generates the following folder structure:

# 01_data/
# +-- 1a_survey_data/
# |    +-- processed/
# |    \-- raw/
# +-- 1b_rasters/
# |    +-- urban_extent/
# |    \-- pop_raster/
# +-- 1c_shapefiles/
# 02_scripts/
# 03_outputs/
# +-- 3a_model_outputs/
# +-- 3b_visualizations/
# +-- 3c_table_outputs/
# \-- 3d_compiled_results/


# \donttest{
# Create temp directory with normalized path
tf <- file.path(tempdir(), "test_env")
dir.create(tf, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

#  Initialize with normalized path
cpp_path <- file.path(tf, "02_scripts", "model")
dir.create(cpp_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
cpp_path <- normalizePath(cpp_path, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)

create_project_structure(base_path = tf)
#> ! Exists: /tmp/RtmpioKZmp/test_env/01_data/1a_survey_data/processed
#> ! Exists: /tmp/RtmpioKZmp/test_env/01_data/1a_survey_data/raw
#> ! Exists: /tmp/RtmpioKZmp/test_env/01_data/1b_rasters/urban_extent
#> ! Exists: /tmp/RtmpioKZmp/test_env/01_data/1b_rasters/pop_raster
#> ! Exists: /tmp/RtmpioKZmp/test_env/01_data/1c_shapefiles
#> ! Exists: /tmp/RtmpioKZmp/test_env/02_scripts
#> ! Exists: /tmp/RtmpioKZmp/test_env/03_outputs/3a_model_outputs
#> ! Exists: /tmp/RtmpioKZmp/test_env/03_outputs/3b_visualizations
#> ! Exists: /tmp/RtmpioKZmp/test_env/03_outputs/3c_table_outputs
#> ! Exists: /tmp/RtmpioKZmp/test_env/03_outputs/3d_compiled_results
#>  Folder structure created successfully.
# }