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This function creates a test function to perform various data validation checks. The returned function can be applied to a dataset to perform the specified tests.


  dimension_test = NULL,
  combinations_test = NULL,
  row_duplicates = FALSE,
  col_duplicates = FALSE,
  min_threshold_test = NULL,
  max_threshold_test = NULL



A vector of two integers specifying the expected number of rows and columns.


A list with the elements `variables` (character vector of variable names) and `expectation` (integer specifying the expected number of unique combinations for each column).


Logical. If TRUE, checks for duplicate rows.


Logical. If TRUE, checks for duplicate columns.


Named list of minimum threshold values for specified columns.


Named list of maximum threshold values for specified columns.


A function to be applied to the dataset.


# get path
path <- system.file(
         package = "epiCleanr")

fake_epi_df_togo <- import(path)

# Set up unit-test function
my_tests <- create_test(
  # For checking the dimension of the data
  dimension_test = c(900, 9),
  # For expected number of combinations in data
 combinations_test = list(
   variables = c("month", "year", "district"),
   expectation = 12 * 5 * 15),
  # Check repeated cols, rows and max and min thresholds
  row_duplicates = TRUE, col_duplicates = TRUE,
  max_threshold_test = list(malaria_tests = 1000, cholera_tests = 1000),
 min_threshold_test = list(cholera_cases = 0, cholera_cases = 0)

result <- my_tests(fake_epi_df_togo)
#> Test passed! You have the correct number of dimensions!
#> Test passed! No duplicate rows found!
#> Test passed! No repeated columns found!
#> Test passed! You have the correct number of combinations for month, year, district!
#> Test passed! Values in column cholera_cases are above the threshold.
#> Test passed! Values in column cholera_cases are above the threshold.
#> Test passed! Values in column malaria_tests are below the threshold.
#> Test passed! Values in column cholera_tests are below the threshold.
#> Congratulations! All tests passed: 8/8 (100%) 🥳